Search Results
Dacryology webinar recording (Punctal and canalicular stenosis - Balloon dacryoplasty)
Dacryology: Transpire with tears (Punctal and canalicular agenesis) webinar recording
Dacryology webinar recording (Canalicular trauma)
Dacryology webinar Part 2 recording(Introducing the coronary Angioplasty Balloons)
Dacryology webinar recording (Incomplete Punctal Canalisation)
Dacryology webinar Part 2 recording (Lacrimal Sac and Nasolacrimal Duct Anatomy- Newer Insights
Dacryology webinar recording (Dacryoendoscopic evaluation of upper lacrimal drainage system)
Dacryology: Transpire with tears (Canaliculops) webinar recording
Dacryology webinar recording (CLS-MF & Valve of Rosenmuller)
Dacryology webinar Part 2 recording (Cone Beam Computerized Tomography Dacryocystography)
Dacryology: Transpire with tears (Peri-punctal lesions ) webinar recording
Dacryology webinar Part 2 recording(Lacrimal Sac Diverticula)